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The           Girl Pledge

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I Greedy Girl, do hereby pledge to love myself first and foremost, own my sexuality without shame, demand and command my orgasm, to communicate my sexual needs and desires to all partners, go after everything I want in life without guilt, and do whatever I want with whomever I want, with however many I want, when I damn well want, with the consent of all involved, because I AM A GREEDY GIRL and I can have it all, I'm worthy of it all, and I deserve it all.

be empowered

There's a divine sexual goddess inside every woman but we've been conditioned to keep her at bay, to tamp down those feelings...they aren't for public consumption. We've been told we must be "good girls" in order to get that man, that job, that promotion - we're not supposed to be sexual. Our orgasms don't matter. Our pleasure doesn't matter. And if we try to own our sexuality, we're whores and sluts. Well it's a new day and SLUTS RULE! Greedy Girlz is not only a place for women's sexual empowerment but it's also a place for empowerment in all aspects of your life. We will show you that you have every right to be GREEDY in your relationships, your career, your life goals and whatever else you want for yourself. You are entitled to live your best life without shame or guilt. 


Greedy Girlz was born from a love of sacred sexuality and sensual embodiment. We have a passion for helping women on their journey toward self-empowerment, self-love and self-acceptance. We help guide people through the exploration of the erotic, sexual identity, non-monogamy, and releasing shame around sexual intimacy...guiding them toward their own inner awakening. We create a safe space for anyone to navigate the waters of sensual self-expression. We will help you love yourself first which will open up your entire world to heights you never knew were possible...until now.

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